Semi-permanent Makeup
Ombre Powder
Creates a fuller looking brow with a very surface level tattoo. Best to use when you need to fill in sparse areas with little hair, and want more defined brows. Minimally invasive. Uses a tiny needle to insert tiny dots of pigment into the first layers of skin Lasts 2-3 years with good care Requires a touchup every 1-2 years Works well for almost all skin types. May need to be avoided on very aged skin due to lack of thickness (can damage the integrity of the skin) We recommend the ombre process 90% of the time.
Nano Brows [or combo brows] Creates hairlike strokes with a tattoo machine and combines it with shading to create the most natural look. Less invasive than traditional microblading and lasts 2-3 years.

Creates hairlike strokes with a manual blade. best to use when you have very full brows and are just looking to fill in very small areas that still have hair but hve small gaps. Invasive on the skin (goes deeper than ombre powder and uses a blade to make cuts) Overtime, cutting in the same area over and over for touchups leads to a build up of scar tissue no matter how seasoned the artist. Lasts 6 months to a year when done correctly Requires a touchup every 6 months-1 year Most ideal for dry and normal skin. Should never be performed on oily skin (this leads to what we commonly see as blended hairstrokes)

Lip Blush
Lip blush is a technique that can restore lip pigmentation and enhance lip color by inserting pigment into the lips. It heals like a light lip tint. Lip blush can also be used to correct hyperpigmentation and give the lips an even tone. This technique can also be used to even out asymmetries in the lip shape. Will last up to 3 years.